The other day on a kid's cartoon show Hannah and I saw something interesting. The characters on the show were making frozen juice pops. The thing that caught my attention was when they shared this idea--put a banana slice on the bottom of the cup! This will hold your stick in place. I thought this was the best idea I had ever heard. I had always (ok-in the two times I have ever made juice pops) had a problem keeping the stick straight, so when I heard this I thought it was so smart. Well, we tried it and it doesn't work (as you can see from the picture above). It held the stick straight, but as soon as I poured in the juice the banana would float off the bottom. Darn cartoons! We made them anyways and they tasted pretty good. Next time (if there is a next time) I will have to try another way to make the stick work. Also, a word to the wise, grape juice is not a great juice for frozen pops, stick with apple or white grape!
Two days in a row, I'm impressed. I love Hannah's juicey face. How did she feel about it?
Boy am I disillusioned. I thought everything on the cartoon shows were real and true.
What if you lined bananas all the way up the stick? You could have a juice coated frozen banana with a straight stick. Looks like a fun activity!
It looks good. Try letting the juice freeze for awhile and then insert the stick.
I'm gonna admit that I was totally stalking you... hope you don't mind! :) I was thinking about you this week and wondering where on earth you were... so I googled you.. hahaha, and your blog came up.. much to my delight! I'm soooo glad I found you!!! Your pics are cute, you're cute, and so if your family! Glad to see that all is well!!!!
Love ya!!!
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