Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Super Grace!

The other morning Grace came out of bed holding a doll vest over her eyes.  She said, "Look, Mom!  I am Super Why!"  
For those of you not up to date with your children cartoons...Super Why is a superhero from the PBS show Super Readers.  He wears a green mask and helps his friends solve problems by finding examples in a book.

I helped her tie some string around it and she wore the make-shift mask pretty much the whole day!  She kept asking me if I had any problems to be solved.  She helped me do super important things like picking up toys, shutting doors, and making her baby sister smile.

Everyone needs a superhero at home!


Max and Deanna said...

I could use a super hero that cute at my house! You can't tell me TV is all bad if it makes a kids want to pick up toy, shut doors, and make people smile!!

Amber said...

I know exactly who Super Why is! (And I wish he had that affect on my kids...)