Monday, March 22, 2010

February Fill-In: Day 1

Wow! It has been a LLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGG time! I figured that before March was over I should fill you in on our activities during February, so this week will be the February Fill-In!
One weekend a month Chad has to travel to Ogden, Utah for school. We decided to go with him and meet my sister, Angie and her family at The Treehouse Museum. It was fun to see them and spend time together. The kids had a blast looking at everything and I enjoyed chatting with my sister. She was even nice enough to carry Grace in the snuggie the whole time! The big picture above is especially for my dad, I thought he would like to see Hannah in a cowboy hat! I do have to mention though, this picture was taken moments before she burst into tears. She was terrified of being up on this little fake horse, so I am doubtful of her becoming a cowboy!

The weather has been so crazy lately, with sun one day and snow the next, so we have been trying to take advantage of the nice moments. One night for FHE we walked to a nearby park. it was a little chilly, but it felt so good to be outside.

We talked about God's creations and everything he has given us. On the walk Hannah was pointing out everything God made for us from trees to mailboxes! What a funny girl. Grace was happy and content the whole walk. We are looking forward to really warm weather so we can walk without her being covered the whole time!


mandy said...

Yay for blogging again! Cute pictures of cute girls. I need to take my kids to that museum, they would love it.

Max and Deanna said...

It was fun to see pictures of you guys. I want to go to the museum. That picture with Grace in the yellow hat in that huge car seat is just so cute. Hannah looks great in a cowboy hat. Tell her real horses are not near as scary as those rocking horses!!

Damien and Ashley said...

How fun! We are going to Ogden tomorrow to stay with Amber for a few days (Carter has spring break so we are trying to find some different scenery) and plan to take them to the Treehouse Museum! It looks super fun!!! We have never been before and the kids are excited!