Monday, August 25, 2008

Ok..So Here is the Deal

I have a problem with blogging and here it is....
it is hard to post when,
A) you don't leave the house;
B)when you actually do leave the house you forget your camera;
and C)you are too lazy to be creative and come up with a post!
So that is my problem!

We haven't done anything really interesting for the past week or two, but then at the end of last week we did something and of course I forgot the camera!

Chad and I celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss on Friday. Half a decade! Impressive, huh?!?! We celebrated by Chad working all night at the hospital and me going to the movies with my sister and her family! Romantic, I know!

Luckily we were able to celebrate before our actual anniversery. My sister was nice enough to watch Hannah for us while we went to Utah. It was fun to have time with just Chad and I. We were able to visit Chad's brother and family, go shopping, visit Weber State University (where Chad will hopefully be going to Radiation Therapy school next year), and enjoy a de-liscious dinner at P.F. Changs. It was a really fun trip.
I am so glad that I am married to Chad. He is a wonderful guy. He is funny and supportive. He is a great father and dedicated to making our marriage great!
Here's to many, many, many more half decades! I love you, Chad!


mandy said...

First of all, you leave the house all the time. Second, happy anniversary! Third, this whole Kate home without anyone to entertain her thing is not working out well.

Damien and Ashley said...

Happy anniversary to you! I know what you mean about the bloggin' thing. I feel like we never leave the house and there is only so many posts you can do about what you made for dinner, what the kids did cute that day, how messy my house is, etc etc...I am sure all my "creative" posts are only interesting to my sisters and a few select others. But it's actually making me a better scrapbooker-I started digital scrapbooking insead of paper and glue-so I make a post on my blog, then basically copy and paste it to the scrapbook program! Two birds with one stone!

Max and Deanna said...

As the grandmother to your daughter just a picture is a great blog to me. I love to hear what you are doing each day.

Ryan + Angie said...

5 years! Where did the time go? I also didn't know I was going to be the close sister next year...very fun!