Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An Update on Grace

Grace turned 18 months old on May 22.

She is in Nursery now! YAY!! She is funny little character. She weighs 21lbs (11%) and is 31.5in (46%). She is so silly and loves to laugh. She follows her big sister around and always wants to be included in what Hannah is doing. Grace loves to be outdoors.

She is really starting to talk a ton. Most of the time I have to be the interpreter, but we get along well! She loves to color which she calls "yellow".

Grace is pretty much obsessed with Elmo. She wants to watch it all the time, she has a little stuffed Elmo she sleeps with, Grace thinks that if anyone even touches the banana chair in our house that means Elmo is going to be turned on, and she thinks Chad's phone is exclusively made to play Elmo videos.

We love Grace and laugh so much throughout the day at the silly things she does!

1 comment:

Max and Deanna said...

I love her grandma cuddles!