I cannot believe this baby is a whole year old! She is such a sweet baby!
I don't know her stats, because we are still trying to get in to see a doctor here in Virginia, but here are some facts about our little miss Clara.
She crawls like a champ and cruises around the furniture, but no walking yet.
She is SUCH an easy baby. She is so good natured and puts up with so much from her sisters.
She has 9 teeth (the most recent one was a molar and it made her miserable for a few days).
She has never taken a binkie, but loves to suck on the corners of blankets.
She waves, claps, dances, squints her eyes, and blows kisses.
She loves to eat. She doesn't really like baby food anymore, but loves to pick up food with her cute little fingers.
She has mastered crawling up the stairs, I am not brave enough to let her go down yet.
She is a great sleeper.
She loves her sisters (most of the time).
She is still pretty little (still wears 9month clothes).
She makes us all smile and laugh.
We love having her in our family!
We just had a simple party at home with our little family.
She didn't really understand the whole opening presents thing, but luckily she had two older sisters that were more than happy to help.
Her cake was a caterpillar made from cupcakes
She REALLY enjoyed it!