Monday, August 23, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

On one of our trips to my mom's house (I will be posting even more!) we did two classic things. One was a trip to the splash park! I am pretty sure that they spent more time "catching some rays" than actual splashing, but it still made a fun day. Grace just enjoyed hanging out on the blanket. I dressed her in her swimsuit, but she didn't even get wet!

The second adventure was a trip to the zoo. Mandy's older kids were (actually I don't remember where they were), so it was just us and the little girls. We had a fun time seeing animals, feeding the ducks, and petting the goats.
Going to my mom's house is always so much fun! Can't wait until we can go again!

1 comment:

mandy said...

That's funny because when I blogged about this I couldn't remember where they were either but then it came to me--the CATS. You got some cute pics of some cute girlies.