Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Big Helper

Hannah has been a big help since she became a big sister. Sometimes her "help" is more distracting and more work for me, but the other night she folded all of the towels in the laundry basket!

It was very helpful and cute to watch her learn this new skill. She was so proud of herself once all of the towels were folded, and so was I!!


Ryan + Angie said...

What a big helper! I need to train my kids to do more than make messes...that would be nice! :)

mandy said...

Good for her! Once she's mastered mopping, send her my way.

Max and Deanna said...

Nothing like a pile of neatly folded towels. What a cute helper.

Parley and Anna said...

You are amazing: doing all this blogging right after your new baby! I wish I had been better about doing that so GOOD ON YA! And good on Hannah too! Has she just seemed to grow up since you brought the baby home?