Thursday, January 29, 2009

Putting our Gifts to Good Use

Chad got a pull up bar for Christmas. He and Hannah have been putting it to good use. Hannah loves it almost more than Chad. Chad can do about 10 pull ups, Hannah can do 1 or 2, and me....0!! Yeah, pretty sad I know! I will just stick to taking pictures!


mandy said...

I bet I could do a pull up if I weighed the same as Hannah.

Ryan + Angie said...

Photography is better than pull ups any day!

Chad said...

Just work on it. They will come. That is the same pull up bar that I use. It is awesome!!!

Max and Deanna said...

I agee with you on the feet


Max and Deanna said...

Hey that looks like fun. Way to go Hannah and Chad. Great photography Abby.

Rachel said...

I agree. I do P90X with Chad and I just use resistance bands connected to the door. By the end if I can do one pull-up I will be doing good.