Saturday was Western Days in Twin Falls. The day started with a parade. It was full of floats, advertising fliers(which we got about two of each), horses, Frisbees (which we got three. Who needs more than one Frisbee!?), and of course, CANDY! She learned how to put her hand on her heart when the flag passes.
She was a little hesitant to get the candy at first, but eventually she was holding her own, waving and smiling, and ended up with a bag full of candy.
Hannah said that her favorite part of the parade was the horses and candy.
She also liked the country music!
After the parade we went to the City Park to have some food and play games.
There were so many people there that it turned into fighting our way through the crowd,wait in line, shoving food down our throats, fight through the crowd, wait in line, and ride one ride, and fight our way back to the car. Hannah got to eat a corn dog and ride the train (her all-time favorite ride), which made her happy.
Cute pics/video!
Fun times! If the kids are happy, the parents are happy. I love Hannah's cute hair.
I love Hannah's dance steps.
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